Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Chapter 12 Reflection

Chapter 12 Reflection

This chapter is about the issues in implementing technology in the classroom. One of the issues is that it takes strategic planning to implement technology. It is necessary to make wise and cost-effective technology decisions. Then the chapter goes on talking about legal issues such as copyright, fair use, privacy, acceptable use, and software privacy. Then it talks about the social issues, such as the digital divide, which relates to socio-economic status, ethnics, gender, and education levels. Then it went into ethical issues, such as freedom of speech, privacy, academic dishonesty. I never realized all of the issues that there are when implementing technology into the classroom. With all of the emerging technology there are going to be bigger issues. I thought that this chapter was very enlightening. I will make sure that when I plan on implementing technology into the classroom that I will work with the other teachers to prevent issues from arising.

Chapter 11 Reflection

Chapter 11 Reflection

This chapter is about issues in implementing technology in schools. The Children’s Privacy Protection Act was passed in 1998 to protect children’s privacy when using the internet. This act protects their names, addresses, pictures, and work. Then the chapter goes on to talk about what acceptable use which protects students from inappropriate behaviors and information using technology. I was in a social studies classroom and I was working on a presentation, I wanted to incorporate a Youtube video but since that was one of the sites that were blocked I couldn’t. Then, later I stumbled across teachertube which had so many education videos that I was able to show my students. With the experience that I have I feel that students are very protected when it comes to the sites that are blocked on the computers. I wish that all schools had the same access to technology. After taking this course I have defiantly understood better the reason why technology should be implemented into the classroom.

Chapter 10 Reflection

Chapter 10 Reflection

I thought that this chapter was very interesting to read. It is about Distance Education and using technology to redefine the classroom. Basically distance education is the delivery of instruction to students who are separated from their teacher by time and location. It is a way for students to get an education and also pursue dreams such as figure skating, which is a very time consuming sport. This class is only my third class that I have experienced with distance education. Form my experience I much rather be in a classroom with the professor, but that is just how I learn better. Many classrooms have their students use the internet to post certain things if it’s a question or homework assignment. The video that talked about virtual schools I thought was neat. I never knew that there were actual schools you could attend and learn strictly online. Also in that video they discussed blending which is virtual and in the classroom which I really agreed with that concept.

Chapter 9 Reflection

Chapter 9 Reflection

This chapter is about audiovisual technologies and how it can benefit students learning. Students with different auditory and visual learning styles will benefit those students greatly. It talks about how listening includes both hearing and comprehending, which I agree with this. This chapter goes over what audiocassette, broadcast audio, optical media, internet audio, MP3 files, and Internet radio are. This chapter gives examples of visual communication which can include visual, text, and affective elements. The document camera that was described seems very interesting. It is a video camera mounted on a stand that captures and displays video images. Another thing that I had learned from this chapter was about broadcast and narrowcast videos. I think that having all of these different options is very nice because it will give teachers and their students the opportunity to explore with all different types and find the things that work best for that teacher and student.

Chapter 8 Reflection

Chapter 8 Reflection

This chapter is about using the web for teaching and learning. One thing that I was always confused about is HTML format and PDF files. After reading this chapter I got a better understanding the difference of the two. Another thing that I learned was about weblogs, which are virtual online spaces for an individual’s personal commentary, also allows others to write responses. There are so many academic tools and resources that can be found on the web. For example I was exploring different sites where I found tones of different lesson plans and many of the sites were very easy to navigate through. I think that it is very important for teachers to have a class web site so not just the students but the parents can access it to find out what the homework for that night is or what events will be taking place in the up coming weeks. I will make sure that my students have access to the internet and I will introduce all the different sites that will help them to further their knowledge.

Chapter 7 Reflection

Chapter 7 Reflection

This chapter was about the internet and the World Wide Web. It explained what the internet is and hoe people get connected. One term that I had heard before but really never knew what it meant was modem which is needed to convert signals from digital to analog. It also talked about the different ways people communicate with each other using the internet such as email, discussions or chats, instant messaging, and video chats. I was able to experience a video chat the just the other day. My sister was setting up a web cam on our house computer so that she would be able to chat with my mom while she is away at school. Her and I sat on it for while talking, I just thought it was so neat, it was like talking too her face to face. It is just so amazing all of the multimedia that is available on the web, from virtual reality to different search engines. In my classroom I will try to incorporate different aspects of the web in each of the lessons that I teach.

Chapter 6 Reflection

Chapter 6 Reflection

This chapter was about academic software and the different was that you can use it. Many of the terms in this chapter were new to me. For example, what authoring systems do, such as hypermedia authoring systems, which help teachers create linked electronic cards to teach specific concepts and internet authoring systems; help teachers create multimedia software to use on a web site. Also I learned about graphic software, paint programs, draw programs, imaging software. I thought that working with the imaging software was really neat. You were able to complete change the actual image that you took. These types of programs will be very useful for my students in my classroom. I learned what reference and tutorial software is. I had never worked with an imaging and editing program before so I am very happy that I was able to get familiar with it so, now I will be able to introduce it to my students.

Chapter 5 Reflection

Chapter 5 Reflection

This chapter was about Administrative Software. It talked about different types of software. Two types of software that I learned was Administrative software and academic software. Administrative software is used to perform professional tasks and may be adapted for instructional use. Where as Academic software is used specifically for teaching and learning. I learned what a site licenses is, it allows software to be used on all machines in the district. It as talked about word processing; what it is, and ways that it van be used. The chapter also talked about spreadsheets, databases and presentation software. Many of the software that was discussed can help manage your classroom. I thought after reading this chapter was a good refresher of the terms and how to work with work, excel and PowerPoint. I will defiantly use those different software programs in my classroom to take attendance, seating charts and instruction.

Chapter 4 Reflection

Chapter 4 Reflection

This chapter is about digital technologies in the classroom. It introduces scanners which is where you can convert printed or images into a digital version. It gives a description on Digital Cameras and talks about how the higher the resolution the sharper the picture. Some other input devices that were new to me were graphic tablets, sound input devices, and pen input devices. Having these different devises will help those students with disabilities. For example touch screens are talked about which will be useful to students with limited motor disabilities. In several of the classrooms that I have observed in they have electronic whiteboards. I think that every classroom should have them because it allows students to go up to the board and write or draw on them, then what ever is captured is saved as a digital file. I also think that the E-book is going to be a really big help to those students with disabilities. The E-book displays an electronic multimedia version of a book, and can also let you take notes as you read. It just amazes me how far technology has come today.

Chapter 3 Reflection

Chapter 3 Reflection

As I read through the chapter and viewed the PowerPoint it gave me a nice refreshment of terms that I had forgotten while also giving me the terms of things that I had not known. Like for example the difference between a Laser printer and an Ink-jet printer. The other thing that I learned was the different Data Storage Sizes that computers have. It amazed me that 1 gigabyte can hold 1 million pages of typed, double-spaced, text. Also I learned of all of the different storage devices that can be used and how they work along with what they can hold. When I am saving something on a storage device I use a USB Flash Drive to save my papers, PowerPoint just anything that would be important just in case my laptop were to crash. I use CD/DVDs to store songs, pictures, and video clips on. For, my future classes I would make sure that my students had a better understanding of the difference between hardware and software. That hardware is the physical components of a computer and software is all the programs telling the computer how to perform its task. In my classroom I will make sure that my students have a good understanding of the basics of how a computer works.

Chapter 2 Reflection

Chapter 2 Reflection

This chapter discussed designing and planning technology enhanced instruction. It went over what a learning environment is, which includes all conditions that affect the learner. The DAP system was introduced, which is the design, plan, and act. I learned that the design phase is where teachers take a strategic look at instructional delivery, which then introduces the DID model. The plan phase is where you plan your daily lessons, which lesson plans are where you plan your day to day snapshots. Last the Act Phase where you review your lesson, then you are ready to implement. I will definitely keep this process in mind when I a preparing my lessons, I will also make sure that I incorporate technology into each one so my lessons. I will also remember that technology will help me do something new and better.

Chapter One Reflection

Chapter 1 Reflection

I learned about that educational technology is used to support teaching and learning. I was also introduced to the different learning theories. I also learned that each theory shows a different perspective and that it is up to the teacher to decide which theories they agree with. Exploring my computer and the different programs helped me to refresh my memory on how to create new folders and use personalized menus. By refreshing my memory about some of these things I will be able to be organized with my information and my student’s information.